Monday April 6, 2020

Savannah is a city all her own and today. I can only assume she looks much like her sister cities, Charleston and New Orleans. I looked down Bay Street and can see almost to the end, not a car out. It reminds me that we, not just Savannah but the world is at a stand still. It reminds me to think of the good things to come and to be happy for the past. Sometimes we forget how precious life is. As a tour guide I get to help others just enjoy themselves. To live in the moment. I look forward to seeing Savannah alive again with people enjoying the cool spring weather. The Shady canopy the live oaks. The kids playing in the water in Ellis Square. To hear the live music coming from city market. To see some of the local musicians turning their guitars. As soon as they say the city is safe, we will all be back out there. We will welcome the guests that become old friends again. We will welcome old friends that we have had the privilege of sharing a drink with. This city has seen a lot in 287 year’s and she is going to see a lot more. We are the hostess City of the South and will continue to be that.
Savannah will come alive again and we will be here waiting to help you to remember that moment.